Desp and Goni from Beauty is in The Eye of Beholder nominated me for the Liebster Awards *drumroll* Thank you so much girls!! This is the first time I nominated in an award. The Liebster Award has some rules.. :
v write 11 things about yourself
v answer the 11 questions your tagger asks you
v nominate 11 bloggers with under 200 followers & tag them in your post
v make up 11 new question for the bloggers you nominated & tell them
Here my answers..
v 11 things about myself
1. I’m a dreamer
2. I live in Indonesia
3. I wish I have British accent, leaving in UK is one of my dreams
4. Brazil is my dream since I watched RIO and FAST TO FURIOUS
5. Pink is my favorite color
6. I hate top without pattern or prints. I prefer plain black or white top
7. I really want to have collarbones
8. I’m a coffee holic
9. I love my family and my best friend
10. I always sleep late since I love blogging
11. I wish I have a big room full of shoes!
v Question from D&G
1. Do your friends call you by a nickname?
They call me BENASH. Stands for BErtha NAtaSHa
2. What’s your favorite perfume?
I love Benneton. Paradis pink. I used it since in junior high school
3. Which part of your body you prefer to reveal?
4. Lipstick or lip gloss?
Lip gloss
5. What’s the worst haircut you’ve ever had?
Bob! I looked like miss piggy
Bob! I looked like miss piggy
6. What do you have in your bag?
Camera, wallet, blackberry, Samsung tablet, PAC powder, lip balm, perfume
7. What type of guys do you like?
Smart, good looking, friendly and have good sense of humor
8. What do you wear to look your best on a date?
Simple outfit with statement necklace and shoes
9. What would be the perfect gift from a guy to you?
A trip to an island
10. What are you jealous of on other girls?
I get jealous of girls with beautiful legs, hair and great style
11. What are you most afraid of?
Ghost *face palm*
v Bloggers nominated by me
7. Finedai
9-11 I have no idea L
v My questions
1. What is your biggest dream?
2. What is your favorite brand for shoes?
3. Sneakers or flat shoes?
4. Where is your favorite place?
5. What will you do the most before you die?
6. What is your biggest goal in 2012?
7. Furla candy bag or Cambridge satchel?
8. What country do you want to visit the most?
9. What is your weirdest hobby?
10. What movie made you cry a river?
11. Where is your favorite place to shopping?
I paired my denim colored with union jack tee. I love their color combination. To made it more catchy, I added denim vest and black suede wedges. I think, it would be better if I wore boots than wedges. What do you think?